Anacreontis Teii Odae et Fragmenta, Graece et Latine, cum notis Joannis Cornelii de Pauw.
Utrecht : Apud Guilielmum Kroon, Bibliop. 1732. 4to, [xxxvi], 315, [1] pp, * - ****4, *****2, A-Z, AaQq4, Rr2, text in greek and latin on facing paces, with copious foot notes, cont. calf, morocco label, head and foot of spine worn, joints tender but cords strong, 18c armorial book-plate of “The Reverend Jonathan Boucher A.M.” on front pastedown.
The “Anacreontea” is a collection of Greek poems on wine, beauty and erotic love variously dated between 1st century BC and 6th century AD.
Stock No: HMF1050
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