POPISH TREACHERY: OR, A SHORT AND NEW ACCOUNT OF THE HORRID CRUELTIES EXCERCISED ON THE PROTESTANTS IN FRANCE. Being a true Prospect of what is to be expected from the most solemn Promises of Roman Catholick Princes. In a Letter from Gentleman of that Nation to one in England, and by him made English
London: Printed and are to be sold bt Richard Baldwin, in the Old-Baily. 1689. Small 4to, A1+4, B-D4, E2, 5lls., 28pp., disbound, a fine copy. (A1 is a half-title)
The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV in 1685 resulted in a mounting persecution of French Protestants.
Reference: Wing P2958 ESTC R1443
Stock No: HMF1103
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