L’Estrange’s Case In a Civil Dialogue Betwixt Zekiel and Ephraim. The Second Impression. With Additions.
London : Printed for H. Brome at the Signe of the Gun... 1680. Small 4to, 18 ff, A-D4, E2, disbound.
In an effort to counteract L’Estrange’s investigations into Titus Oates’ Popish Plot, Oates persuaded Simpson Tonge, who had been arrested for publicly casting doubt on his good faith, to swear falsely that L’Estrange had paid him a hundred guineas to defame Oates and his friends. Despite his acquittal, a storm of public opinion made L’Estrange’s position dangerous and he fled abroad. Before leaving England he replied to his accusers by way of the present pamphlet
Reference: Wing L 1205
Stock No: HMF173
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