Considerations on the Woollen and other Manufactures of Great Britain.…


Considerations on the Woollen and other Manufactures of Great Britain. Intended as a Supplement to Mr. Gee’s Discourse on the Trade and Navigation of this Kingdom. And divided into Three Parts. Part. 1. Containing general Remarks on the Danger... threatened by... Manufactures of the same kind in Spain... As also on the Running of English and Irish Wool...

London : Printed for the Author, 1751. 8vo, xvi, 64 pp, title page soiled, disbound, grey sugar-paper wrappers.
Part 1. seems to be all that was published. COPAC locates only two copies, BL and Univ. London, both with the same collation. Higgs notes “Not mentioned in Smith’s ‘Memoirs of Wool’ 1756. nor by Massie. Attributed to D. Houdiere.”
Reference: Higgs 49 Not in Kress Not in Goldsmiths’ Library

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