Ad Virum Clarissimum Ric. Mead, M.D. Epistola, Varias Lithontripticum Joannae…

Mrs. Stephen’s remedy for ‘the stone’

Ad Virum Clarissimum Ric. Mead, M.D. Epistola, Varias Lithontripticum Joannae Stephens, Exhibendi Methodos Indicans.

Bath : T. Boddely [for] J. Leake & G. Frederick... and M. Cooper... 1751. 8vo, [4], 24 pp, disbound.
This letter to Richard Mead on Mrs. Stephen’s patent medicine for curing the stone was first published as an appendix to the second edition of Hartley’s pamphlet “De Lithotriptico... Bath 1746”. This is the first separately published edition.

Stock No: HMF738
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