The Young Mill-Wright and Miller’s Guide. In Five Parts. Part 1. Mechanics and Hydraulics... Part 11. Rules for applying the Theories to practice... Part 111. Directions for constructing and using all the Author’s patented Improvements in Mills. Part 1V. The Art of manufacturing Mal and Flour... Part V. The Practical Mill-wright... Appendix - Containing Rules for discovering New Improvements... Embellished with Twenty-five Plates. Fourth Edition.
Philadelphia : M. Carey and Son, Chest-nut Street. 1821. 8vo, [-]4, B-Z, Aa-Zz, 3A4, 26 engraved plates (numbered 1 to XX1V, XXV11 & XXV1), heavily foxed throughout as usual, cont. sheep, neatly rebacked, old label, corner repaired. A sound copy.
The fourth edition (first published 1795) of the first book on power grain milling and a landmark of early American technology. Writing in 1935 Bathe says of it “There is to this day, at least one mill owner known to the writer, who has a copy of Oliver Evans’ Mill-wright in his office to which he says quite frankly he refers often, considering it is still in many repects the most practical work for millers ever published”. As a practical handbook it is hardly surprising that copies, where they have survived, are usually in poor condition.
Reference: Bathe, G. & D. : Oliver Evans. A Chronicle of Early American Engineering. 1935 p.47
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