
  • Tag = 19c
  • An imaginative tour de force
    Un Autre Monde. Transformations, Visions, Incarnations, Ascensions, Locomotions, Explorations, Peregrinations, Excursions, Stations, Cosmogonies, Fantasmagories, Reveries, Folatreries, Faceties, Lubies, Metamorphoses, Zoomorphoses, Lithomorphoses, Metempsycoses, Apotheoses et Autres Choses. by GRANDVILLE, [J.J. Pseudonym of Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard].
    GRANDVILLE, [J.J. Pseudonym of Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard].
    Un Autre Monde. Transformations, Visions, Incarnations, Ascensions, Locomotions, Explorations, Peregrinations, Excursions, Stations, Cosmogonies, Fantasmagories, Reveries, Folatreries, Faceties, Lubies, Metamorphoses, Zoomorphoses, Lithomorphoses, Metempsycoses, Apotheoses et Autres Choses.

    Paris H. Fournier, Libraire-Editeur, Rue Saint-Benoit 7, 1844. First Edition
    Royal 8vo, frontis. (iv), 295, (1) pp, half-title and title-page printed in red, 36 plates part-coloured by hand as issued, over 140 black-and-white illustrations in the text, occasional light foxing mainly in the prelims., 19th century half russia, marbled boards, marbled edges and endpapers, recently re-backed, boards a little rubbed but a sound copy.
    Grandville’s most important book; an extraordinary imaginative tour de force; an inspirational fantasy which undoubtedly had an influence well into the twentieth century. That influence can be seen in Tenniel’s illustration to Alice; Max Ernst and the Surrealists as well as the likes of Ralph Steadman and Gerald Scarfe.
    Ray 196 Carteret v3, 285

    More details View basket Price: £750.00
  • Perhaps the last photograph of EBB?
    Photographic portrait. by [BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett (1806 -1861)]
    [BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett (1806 -1861)]
    Photographic portrait.

    Rome : Fratelli D’Alessandri [27th May 1861]. 60 x 100 mm, carte-de-visite photograph of Elizabeth Barrett Browning in a voluminous full length black dress against a studio backdrop of a ruined building, blind-stamped at foot “ Flli. D’Alessandri Roma 65 Babuino”.
    A copy of this photograph at Eton College is dated in Browning’s hand “27th May 1861”. She died a month later (29th June)

    More details View basket Price: £180.00
  • An elaborate trade card
    Needle Makers to Her Late Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales. Wright and Smallwood Successors to Ino. & Wm. Scambler Needle and Fish Hook Manufactures &c. 7 Exeter Row Birmingham. by WRIGHT & SMALLWOOD Needle and Fish Hook Manufacturers
    WRIGHT & SMALLWOOD Needle and Fish Hook Manufacturers
    Needle Makers to Her Late Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales. Wright and Smallwood Successors to Ino. & Wm. Scambler Needle and Fish Hook Manufactures &c. 7 Exeter Row Birmingham.

    [?Birmingham : c. 1820]. 120 x 217 mm, engraving on paper with hand colouring possibly of a later date, traces of glue on verso, good condition

    More details View basket Price: £50.00
  • Published at the height of the Civil War showing the South’s military positions
    Wyld’s New Map of the Southern States of North America [With The Forts, Harbours & Miltary Positions] by WYLD, James junior (1812-1887) geographer to the Queen
    WYLD, James junior (1812-1887) geographer to the Queen
    Wyld’s New Map of the Southern States of North America [With The Forts, Harbours & Miltary Positions]

    London : James Wyld, 457 Strand, (next door to the Post Office) 11&19 Charing Cross, S.W. and 2, Royal Exchange City, E.C. [1862]. Second Edition [date taken from LC]
    Folding map in 36 sections (17x11cm) laid down on linen and enclosed in the publisher’s cloth boards, printed paper label on front board and spine, 3cm split at head of spine Overall size 69x103cm, a good copy.
    A map of the Confederate States showing in colour the “Dividing Line between the Free & Slave-holding States” as well as the military positions and published at the height of the Civil War. The Library of Congress copy may be accessed online here:-

    More details View basket Price: £1,000.00
  • “Comprehensive” is an understatement Volume 5 is regarded to this day as “the bible of the Society of Ornamental Turners”
    Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. Intended as a work of general reference and practical instruction, on the lathe, and the various mechanical pursuits followed by amateurs. by HOLTZAPFFEL, Charles (1805-47) and John Jacob Holtzapfell
    HOLTZAPFFEL, Charles (1805-47) and John Jacob Holtzapfell
    Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. Intended as a work of general reference and practical instruction, on the lathe, and the various mechanical pursuits followed by amateurs.

    London : Published for the Author by Holtzapffel & Co. 64 Charing Cross Rd. and 127 Long Acre. 1843, 1856(sic), 1850, 1879 & 1884. First Edition
    8vo, Vols 1-3 with continuous pagination, 1477pp (with errors), Vol 4, 592pp, Vol 5, 652pp, together 5 volumes, half calf, marbled boards, Vols 1 & 2 neatly rebacked, old backs laid down, some rubbing to edges and surface of boards, but a good sound copy.
    This is the rare early issue with the title page of volume 2 dated 1856 (corrected in the Preface)
    The first three volumes of this monumental work were written by Charles Holtzapffel (the 3rd posthumously published by his widow). The final two volumes were completed…


    London : Published for the Author by Holtzapffel & Co. 64 Charing Cross Rd. and 127 Long Acre. 1843, 1856(sic), 1850, 1879 & 1884. First Edition
    8vo, Vols 1-3 with continuous pagination, 1477pp (with errors), Vol 4, 592pp, Vol 5, 652pp, together 5 volumes, half calf, marbled boards, Vols 1 & 2 neatly rebacked, old backs laid down, some rubbing to edges and surface of boards, but a good sound copy.
    This is the rare early issue with the title page of volume 2 dated 1856 (corrected in the Preface)
    The first three volumes of this monumental work were written by Charles Holtzapffel (the 3rd posthumously published by his widow). The final two volumes were completed by his son, John Jacob, who inherited the family business at 64, Charing Cross Road.
    The extraordinary comprehensiveness of these five volumes is perhaps best demonstrated by the contents as listed on the title-pages :-
    Vol.1. “Materials, their differences, choice and preparation: various modes of workimg them, generally without cutting tools”.
    Vol.2. “The principles of construction,action, and application of cutting tools used by hand; and also of the machines derived from the hand tools.”
    Vol.3. “ Abrasive and miscellaneous processes, which cannot be accomplished with a cutting tool”
    Vol.4. “The principles and practice of hand or simple turning”
    Vol.5. “The principles and practice of ornamental of complex turning.
    N.B. Although vols 5 and 6 say “To be comprised in 6 volumes”, a sixth volume was never issued.

    More details View basket Price: £650.00
  • Almanack for 1885 by GREENAWAY, Kate (1846-1901)
    GREENAWAY, Kate (1846-1901)
    Almanack for 1885

    London: George Routledge and Sons, 1885. 24mo., (102x77mm), [24] pp, frontispiece, vignette to title, 5 full-page illustrations and text illustrations throughout all in colour, pictorial glazed boards, yellow cloth spine, binding somewhat dust-stained with some wear, internally good.

    More details View basket Price: £50.00
  • Apparently only the second copy known
    Recollections of the Sea Side by NEWMAN & Co., Publishers
    NEWMAN & Co., Publishers
    Recollections of the Sea Side

    London: Newman & Co. Watling St. [c.1850]. 24mo, (65x57mm) 16 engraved plates with titling, bound concertina-style, the total length 88cm, original brown cloth decorated and titled in gilt, brass clasp, binding a little worn.
    A comical take on seaside frolics in the era of the crinoline and the bathing machine.
    The note to a copy recently sold for £443 in Dominic Winter’s Sale of the Christopher Foyle Library says “Very scarce. No other copy located”
    D.Winter : Library of Christopher Foyle Pt. II lot 161

    More details View basket Price: £350.00
  • Undoubtedly the finest of the various series of prints published to mark the occasion
    Coloured Views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, With Plates of th Coaches, Machines, &c. From Drawings Made on the Spot by Mr. T.T. Bury. With Descriptive Particulars, Serving as a Guide to Travellers on the Railway. by BURY, Thomas Talbot (1811-1877)
    BURY, Thomas Talbot (1811-1877)
    Coloured Views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, With Plates of th Coaches, Machines, &c. From Drawings Made on the Spot by Mr. T.T. Bury. With Descriptive Particulars, Serving as a Guide to Travellers on the Railway.

    London : Published by R. Ackermann, 96, Strand, and sold by R. Ackermann, Jun. 191, Regent Street.... 1831. First Edition
    Large 4to, (340 x 280mm), title-page, 8 pages of text, 13 hand-coloured aquatint plates and one panoramic “supplimentary” plate (folded), contemporary (original?) marbled boards, very rubbed, recently rebacked in calf, large morocco title label on front board titled in gilt “Liverpool & Manchester Railway”, a very good copy.
    Issued it two parts, the first of which was titled “Six Views....”on the paper wrappers and when later the same year (1831) the second part was published the printed title-page became “Coloured Views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway”. The aquatints are all fine early impressions with watermarks on…


    London : Published by R. Ackermann, 96, Strand, and sold by R. Ackermann, Jun. 191, Regent Street.... 1831. First Edition
    Large 4to, (340 x 280mm), title-page, 8 pages of text, 13 hand-coloured aquatint plates and one panoramic “supplimentary” plate (folded), contemporary (original?) marbled boards, very rubbed, recently rebacked in calf, large morocco title label on front board titled in gilt “Liverpool & Manchester Railway”, a very good copy.
    Issued it two parts, the first of which was titled “Six Views....”on the paper wrappers and when later the same year (1831) the second part was published the printed title-page became “Coloured Views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway”. The aquatints are all fine early impressions with watermarks on plates 3, 7, 13 and the supplimental plate reading “J. Whatman 1831”, the folded plate has the almost inevitable tear through being carelessly unfolded but this has been expertly and almost invisibly mended. Two supplimentary plates, not by Bury, were issued separately at four shillings and sixpence each and are sometimes added to the work; one of these is present in our copy.
    The provence of this copy is interesting; across the front pastedown is the signature of “Julia de Roubigné Beevor Fulcher, 1831” whose address, according to the Archdeaconry of Norfolk archives, was Stanfield Hall, Wymondham where she married Edward Palmer Clarke, solicitor in June 1846. The bookseller’s label on the front pastedown is of “John Stacy, Norwich”, leading one to the conclusion that this copy was sold new and that the binding is the original one.
    “Coloured Views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway.. is undoubtedly the finest of the various series of prints... published to mark the occasion” - Hugh Broadbent.

    More details View basket Price: £2,500.00
  • The Battle-field of Waterloo - ten years on.
    Here and there over the water : being cullings in a trip to the Netherlands. (The field of battle and monuments--Waterloo, &c.) / by Omnium Gatherum. Drawn and written by M.E. esq. Engraved by Geo. Hunt. by [EGERTON, M.]
    [EGERTON, M.]
    Here and there over the water : being cullings in a trip to the Netherlands. (The field of battle and monuments--Waterloo, &c.) / by Omnium Gatherum. Drawn and written by M.E. esq. Engraved by Geo. Hunt.

    London: Published by Geo: Hunt, 18 Tavistock St, Covent Garden. 1825. 4to, 34pp, [A]2, B-E4, F2. first and last leaves blank, 27 hand coloured aquatint plates, some offsetting onto text leaves, plates clean, contemporary half calf, marbled bds, worn, re-backed , corners renewed, sound.
    An account, with illustrations, of a trip through Belgium, showing various things of interest to the tourist, and with particular reference to the site of the Battle of Waterloo. The illustrations may be viewed online here https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/view/PR-HARLEY-MASON-B-00135/29
    Abbey Travel 188

    More details View basket Price: £1,230.00
  • Pickering’s Diamond Classics
    Le Rime by PETRARCA, Francesco 1304-74
    PETRARCA, Francesco 1304-74
    Le Rime

    London : C. Corrall for G. Pickering 31 Lincoln’s Inn Fields 1823 -22. 85x45mm, eng. port., engraved title, title-page, dedication leaf, 237, [11] pp, uncut and partially unopened, slight foxing of engraved leaves, publisher’s dressed brown cloth, worn paper label on spine, a variant of that on the other copy. [see Porter 221]
    One of the series usually known as Pickering’s Diamond Classics, although as indicated by his advertisements, the publisher referred to them as “Miniature Classics”. They are some of the earliest books to have publisher’s bindings of cloth.
    Bondy p.86 et seq. Spielmann 407 Porter 219

    More details View basket Price: £65.00
  • Pickering’s Diamond Classics
    Le Rime by PETRARCA, Francesco 1304-74
    PETRARCA, Francesco 1304-74
    Le Rime

    London : C. Corrall for G. Pickering 31 Lincoln’s Inn Fields 1823 -22. 85x45mm, eng. port., engraved title, title-page, dedication leaf, 237, [11] pp, uncut and partially unopened, publisher’s dark magenta cloth, worn paper label on spine, a variant of that on the other copy. [see Porter 221].
    One of the series usually known as Pickering’s Diamond Classics, although as indicated by his advertisements, the publisher referred to them as “Miniature Classics”. They are some of the earliest books to have publisher’s bindings of cloth.
    Bondy p.86 et seq. Spielmann 407 Porter 219

    More details View basket Price: £65.00
  • Pickering’s Diamond Classics
    La Gerusalemme Liberata by TASSO, Torquato (1544-1595)
    TASSO, Torquato (1544-1595)
    La Gerusalemme Liberata

    London : C. Corrall for G. Pickering 31 Lincoln’s Inn Fields 1822. 80x40mm, 2 vols eng. port, engraved title, printed title, 405, [1] pps, very neatly bound in contemporary calf, blind double-fillet roll tool borders, spine in 6 compartments, lined in gilt with title, vol., and publisher in 3, brown flint endpapers, a.e.g., marker ribbons, a fine copy.
    One of the series usually known as Pickering’s Diamond Classics, although as indicated by the advert leaf in this copy, the publisher referred to them as “Miniature Classics”
    Bondy p.86 et seq. Spielmann 473 Porter 217

    More details View basket Price: £195.00
  • Pickering’s Diamond Classics
    La Gerusalemme Liberata by TASSO, Torquato (1544-1595)
    TASSO, Torquato (1544-1595)
    La Gerusalemme Liberata

    London : C. Corrall for G. Pickering 31 Lincoln’s Inn Fields 1822. 80x40mm, 2 vols in one, eng. port, engraved title, printed title, 405, [3] pps with the rare leaf of ads at the end, contemporary vellum, roll-tool borders of a daisy chain in gilt, spine in 4 panels with red morocco label, inscription on f.f.e-p “Agnes Moore from her affect. cousin E.C.H.[?] a good copy.
    One of the series usually known as Pickering’s Diamond Classics, although as indicated by the advert leaf in this copy, the publisher referred to them as “Miniature Classics”.
    Bondy p.86 et seq. Spielmann 473 Porter 217

    More details View basket Price: £140.00

*Items may be searched by century of publication. Enter 15c, 16c, 17c, etc. as appropriate in Keywords.