
  • Tag = French
  • An imaginative tour de force
    Un Autre Monde. Transformations, Visions, Incarnations, Ascensions, Locomotions, Explorations, Peregrinations, Excursions, Stations, Cosmogonies, Fantasmagories, Reveries, Folatreries, Faceties, Lubies, Metamorphoses, Zoomorphoses, Lithomorphoses, Metempsycoses, Apotheoses et Autres Choses. by GRANDVILLE, [J.J. Pseudonym of Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard].
    GRANDVILLE, [J.J. Pseudonym of Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard].
    Un Autre Monde. Transformations, Visions, Incarnations, Ascensions, Locomotions, Explorations, Peregrinations, Excursions, Stations, Cosmogonies, Fantasmagories, Reveries, Folatreries, Faceties, Lubies, Metamorphoses, Zoomorphoses, Lithomorphoses, Metempsycoses, Apotheoses et Autres Choses.

    Paris H. Fournier, Libraire-Editeur, Rue Saint-Benoit 7, 1844. First Edition
    Royal 8vo, frontis. (iv), 295, (1) pp, half-title and title-page printed in red, 36 plates part-coloured by hand as issued, over 140 black-and-white illustrations in the text, occasional light foxing mainly in the prelims., 19th century half russia, marbled boards, marbled edges and endpapers, recently re-backed, boards a little rubbed but a sound copy.
    Grandville’s most important book; an extraordinary imaginative tour de force; an inspirational fantasy which undoubtedly had an influence well into the twentieth century. That influence can be seen in Tenniel’s illustration to Alice; Max Ernst and the Surrealists as well as the likes of Ralph Steadman and Gerald Scarfe.
    Ray 196 Carteret v3, 285

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  • Even Gay/Lemonnyer deems it “Rare”
    L’Enfant Gate, ou le Debauche de la Haye. Detalant les principales fourberies de notre temps. Premiere Partie [Seconde Partie] by ANON.
    L’Enfant Gate, ou le Debauche de la Haye. Detalant les principales fourberies de notre temps. Premiere Partie [Seconde Partie]

    Delft : Chez Pierre Boll. 1682. 12mo, 2 vols in 1, [viii], 177, and [ii], 164 pp, fine engraved frontispiece to each part and 6 engravings in Part 1, some signatures browned, later full calf roll-tooled in blind, fine.
    Gay/Lemonnyer records this title with just one word “rare” and OCLC locates only 2 copies, both in the British Library and adds [Translated from "Het Kind van Weelde," etc.] Of this Dutch original we trace a single copy in the Dutch National Library.

    OCLC: 1064802683 Gay/Lemonnyer Vol. 2. 103

    More details View basket Price: £975.00
  • With the rare Cinquieme Partie, finely bound by Thouvenin
    Les Amours de Messaline, Ci-devant Reine de l’Isle d’Albion.... Nouvelle Edition revue, corrigee, & augmentee d’une Cinquieme Partie. Ville-Franche: Chez Jeremie Plantie 1693 by [LETI, Gregorio (1630-1701)]
    [LETI, Gregorio (1630-1701)]
    Les Amours de Messaline, Ci-devant Reine de l’Isle d’Albion.... Nouvelle Edition revue, corrigee, & augmentee d’une Cinquieme Partie. Ville-Franche: Chez Jeremie Plantie 1693

    1693. 12mo, 240pp, 19th century hard-grain red morocco, blind-stamped borders enclosed by a single gilt fillet, spine with 5 raised bands, decorated in gilt and blind, by Thouvenin, signed in blind at foot of spine, a.e.g. very fine.
    First published in 1689 in Four Parts, this new edition contains a Fifth Part on pages 185 - 240. The present edition is rare. CcF finds only two copies, Toulon and Lyon, no copy in Bibliotheque Nationale; OCLC locates 4 copies in Germany, Mannheim, Hamburg, Potsdam and Dresden, and 2 in US, Texas and Wisconsin; apparently no copy in UK.
    A scurrilous account of a scandalous affair between Louis XIV of France and Mary of Modena, wife of James II…


    1693. 12mo, 240pp, 19th century hard-grain red morocco, blind-stamped borders enclosed by a single gilt fillet, spine with 5 raised bands, decorated in gilt and blind, by Thouvenin, signed in blind at foot of spine, a.e.g. very fine.
    First published in 1689 in Four Parts, this new edition contains a Fifth Part on pages 185 - 240. The present edition is rare. CcF finds only two copies, Toulon and Lyon, no copy in Bibliotheque Nationale; OCLC locates 4 copies in Germany, Mannheim, Hamburg, Potsdam and Dresden, and 2 in US, Texas and Wisconsin; apparently no copy in UK.
    A scurrilous account of a scandalous affair between Louis XIV of France and Mary of Modena, wife of James II of England which, although the author claims in his preface “...on ne doit pas s’imaginer que la fiction ait quelque part dans cette Histoire.” has no proven historical truth. It is claimed to be a translation of an English anti-catholic work attacking the monarch’s conversion to catholicism. This would appear to be “The Amours of Messalina, late Queen of Albion... by a Woman of Quality” [Wing A3023]

    Gay/ Lemonnyer vol.1 col.149 Brunet I, 244

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  • An English Ballad: In Answer to Mr. Despreaux’s Pindarique Ode On the Taking of Namure. by [PRIOR, Matthew (1664-1721)]
    [PRIOR, Matthew (1664-1721)]
    An English Ballad: In Answer to Mr. Despreaux’s Pindarique Ode On the Taking of Namure.

    London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judge’s Head near the Inner Temple Gate in Fleetstreet, 1695. First Edition, folio, [A] - D2, text in French and English on facing pages, the French beginning on the verso of the title-page, title a little foxed in the lower margin, disbound.
    Prior, as well as being a poet, was a well respected diplomat in the service of King William III. His knowledge of French was recognised by his being sent to Paris in 1698 in attendance on the English Ambassador. He was undoubtedly well equipped to satirise Boileau’s poem.
    Wing P3509

    More details View basket Price: £195.00

*Items may be searched by century of publication. Enter 15c, 16c, 17c, etc. as appropriate in Keywords.