London : Printed for John Newton, at the Three Pigeons, over-against the Inner-Temple-Gate, in Fleet Street, 1694. First Edition
Account of the Isle of Jersey, The Greatest of those Islands that are now the only Remainder of the English Dominions in France, With A New and Accurate Map of that Island
8vo, [-]6-1. B-P8, Q4, 1 folding map, cont. sprinkled calf, moroccon label on spine, edges sprinkled red, hinges a littleworn, small loss at foot of spine, otherwise sound, engraved armorial bookplate of “James Leigh Esq. Adlestrop” (an ancestor of Jane Austen’s mother) on front pastedown and his signature on front fly.
Falle's Account of Jersey, 1694, which included discussion of the island's institutions and natural history, was the first and for a long time the standard work on Jersey, reprinted as late as 1837. The present copy once belonged to an ancestor of Jane Austen’s mother, Cassandra.
Wing F338
*Items may be searched by century of publication. Enter 15c, 16c, 17c, etc. as appropriate in Keywords.