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  • “Comprehensive” is an understatement Volume 5 is regarded to this day as “the bible of the Society of Ornamental Turners”
    Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. Intended as a work of general reference and practical instruction, on the lathe, and the various mechanical pursuits followed by amateurs. by HOLTZAPFFEL, Charles (1805-47) and John Jacob Holtzapfell
    HOLTZAPFFEL, Charles (1805-47) and John Jacob Holtzapfell
    Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. Intended as a work of general reference and practical instruction, on the lathe, and the various mechanical pursuits followed by amateurs.

    London : Published for the Author by Holtzapffel & Co. 64 Charing Cross Rd. and 127 Long Acre. 1843, 1856(sic), 1850, 1879 & 1884. First Edition
    8vo, Vols 1-3 with continuous pagination, 1477pp (with errors), Vol 4, 592pp, Vol 5, 652pp, together 5 volumes, half calf, marbled boards, Vols 1 & 2 neatly rebacked, old backs laid down, some rubbing to edges and surface of boards, but a good sound copy.
    This is the rare early issue with the title page of volume 2 dated 1856 (corrected in the Preface)
    The first three volumes of this monumental work were written by Charles Holtzapffel (the 3rd posthumously published by his widow). The final two volumes were completed…


    London : Published for the Author by Holtzapffel & Co. 64 Charing Cross Rd. and 127 Long Acre. 1843, 1856(sic), 1850, 1879 & 1884. First Edition
    8vo, Vols 1-3 with continuous pagination, 1477pp (with errors), Vol 4, 592pp, Vol 5, 652pp, together 5 volumes, half calf, marbled boards, Vols 1 & 2 neatly rebacked, old backs laid down, some rubbing to edges and surface of boards, but a good sound copy.
    This is the rare early issue with the title page of volume 2 dated 1856 (corrected in the Preface)
    The first three volumes of this monumental work were written by Charles Holtzapffel (the 3rd posthumously published by his widow). The final two volumes were completed by his son, John Jacob, who inherited the family business at 64, Charing Cross Road.
    The extraordinary comprehensiveness of these five volumes is perhaps best demonstrated by the contents as listed on the title-pages :-
    Vol.1. “Materials, their differences, choice and preparation: various modes of workimg them, generally without cutting tools”.
    Vol.2. “The principles of construction,action, and application of cutting tools used by hand; and also of the machines derived from the hand tools.”
    Vol.3. “ Abrasive and miscellaneous processes, which cannot be accomplished with a cutting tool”
    Vol.4. “The principles and practice of hand or simple turning”
    Vol.5. “The principles and practice of ornamental of complex turning.
    N.B. Although vols 5 and 6 say “To be comprised in 6 volumes”, a sixth volume was never issued.

    More details View basket Price: £650.00

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